This week we are giving you a primary prompt and an alternate. Our line of thinking started out with "Super Bowl," NFL Teams, the Pro Bowl and the fun that generates during the dead of winter. That's all well and good, but maybe you don't do sports, don't like sports and can't get any mojo for arting about sports of any kind. So we came up with an alternate for you -- "Under the Sea" that might present a little more creative impetus for you.
Some of the team had trouble with this prompt this week. Others did not. But here are our contributions for you to see and hopefully be inspired to create some magic of your own, be it about your favorite sports team or a dreamy under-the-sea journal page.
Show us your finished creations on the group feed at Artful Journeys. We are anxious to see what you come up with this week!

BETTY RICHARDSON -- see for yourself the fun and difficulties she had with this prompt this week here. She used acrylic paint, watercolor, copic markers, black and white pens, punches and half her supply closet.
LYNN JACKSON - "Under the sea". I wimped out doing the sports oriented prompt!
MELODY ELZY -- find out why Melody loves this sport and see her full page spread and process here
TAMIE LEE RODRIGUEZ -- Tamie doesn't have a blog
post this week due to some internet issues. She used wallpaper, acrylics,
gelatos, wax pencils, black and white pens, and children's book word art to
make this "Under the Sea" magic. Can't you just see the "madness"
in Tamie's head peeking out at you?
Tamie created another beautiful spread this week, or
"madness" as she jokingly says to hopefully inspire you to continue
to explore your inner self and think about your life in a positive way, even
when the chips are down. This should give us all some mojo!
We are anxious to see
what loveliness you create for yourself this week, so be sure and show us on
the group feed at Artful Journeys.
Are you inspired by the Sports/Super Bowl prompt, or "Under the
Sea?" Show us the "madness" that lives inside your head!
Make it a great and artful week!
~~Artful Chicks
Make it a great and artful week!
~~Artful Chicks
Another fine collection! I'm looking forward to this challenge. I'm going to join Betty with a mint julep and then work on the Under the Sea component. It's cold here, so an underwater piece of work sounds nice and warm!